Musing Doc Blog
An American ex-pat’s commentary on life all’italiana
My blog contains the observations of a retired physician immersed in the Italian culture for more than twenty years. Some comments are philosophical and some curmudgeonly, but all faithfully represent my interpretation of daily life in and around Bologna, Italy. While writing in English I will include a translation into Italian, where necessary, for those who might prefer one.
A Walk Through Bologna’s Cemetery
A walk through Bologna’s famous cemetery on a pleasant afternoon can be a restorative and educational experience. Even Charles Dickens is known to have made a similar observation during a visit to the city.
Come Navigare Le Poste – Per Dummies!
E’ vero che la burocrazia deve sempre aver ragione?
Using The Post Office – For Dummies
Today I needed to mail an oversized letter to the U.S. The few remaining postal boxes on the streets of Bologna are precious. They will only accept letters of standard size - a manila envelope, for example, will not fit in the opening. Conclusion: one must go to a...
Notes From Underground, Part 2
Italian “Partigiani,” resistance fighters in WWII, were a heterogeneous force of idealists in Emilia Romagna
Notes From Underground, Part 1
Part 1 deals with a hole in the ground over 18 kilometers long; Part 2 will instead comment on a different kind of Underground from WWII
Si Può Fare a Meno dell’Auto, Ma . . .
Camminando per Bologna non è senza I suoi rischi
Hoofing It in Bologna, AKA “Sweet Sole Music”
Even the simple act of walking in Bologna is not without its hazards!
Getting The Most From Your Doctor Visit (Italian)
Come sfruttare meglio il vostro tempo dal dottore
Getting The Most From Your Doctor Visit (English)
How to see your doctor in Italy – and maybe in the U.S. as well.
In Vino . . . Necessitas? (English)
Sooner or later what goes in must come out!